Challenge Intro
Are you stuck in a rut? Could you feel more motivated or creative? I've been there! The easiest path to get out of your way; is to get out of your head.
Keeping a daily journal is a powerful habit for anyone looking to hone their writing skills, clear the mental clutter, and kindle a creative spark.
Put Grace and Gratitude First
We all have something we can be thankful for, and journaling about it is a traditional way to start. It can be profound or straightforward but start with making a list of all the things you are grateful for, not limited to the present, thank the past, and the future too! Here's my example...
Today, I am grateful for:
My education because.... (past)
A safe and loving home because... (present)
The holiday season and the joy it brings... (future)
Exploring trips for next summer because... (future)
Working from home because the 2 hours commute allows me to plan for my future instead of daydreaming about it.
📓 Grab your Favorite Journal and Use These Prompts
Why are you thankful for this?
How has it changed your life?
Is there a way to pass along the favor or share your good fortune?

Journals Shown: