Challenge Intro
Are you stuck in a rut? Could you feel more motivated or creative? I've been there! The easiest path to get out of your way; is to get out of your head. Keeping a daily journal is a powerful habit for anyone looking to hone their writing skills, clear the mental clutter, and kindle a creative spark.
Find Something Completely New To Do
Nothing can fall into a closed fist, open up and live close to the edge with an idea of your own or one below.

Try a new recipe or takeout spot
Explore your neighborhood and take a stroll at a different time of the day
Read a different news source than you normally do
Take a digital afternoon break and shut your eyes
Research a new travel destination for the future
📓 Grab your Favorite Journal and Use These Prompts
What new thing did you do today?
How did it go?
How can you keep introducing new things into your life?
Journals Shown: